Also known as working capital or operating capital loans. The client is allowed to use gaps between current assets and current liabilities. Commercial trade accounts receivables, inventory, purchase orders, machinery and equipment are all assets and can potentially provide capital based on their value.
Asset-Based Financing
The client has the ability to refinance or replace the existing debt with a new loan, usually with different terms and conditions than the original debt obligation. A client can choose to refinance in order to reduce an interest rate, consolidate debts or to release cash based on the value of the underlying asset to be refinanced.
Development & Construction
From architectural drawings, infrastructure development to construction, the client can choose from an array of funding for small to large projects. For construction loans, bridge loans and mezzanine financing are available to clients.
Renovation & Rehabilitation
Whether the client needs a full-scale rebuild or an intricate renovation, this loan provides capital. Strategic bridge/interim or mezzanine loans are available. In some cases, financing can move from short term bridge to long term, depending on the terms of the deal.
To purchase a facility or business establishment, add to a facility or purchase a chain, the acquisition loan will get the transaction done with minimal initial capital investment. Terms and conditions of the loan will be structured with the client’s liquidity in mind. Our acquisition programs are adaptable and cost-efficient